The essence of keeping faith with science
Welcome to NZCIS
We are scientists of faith who want to integrate Christian faith into our understanding of the world.
We are theologians and church leaders wanting to integrate science into our papers and sermons.
We are students of all types, people in churches and the public who find these integrating dialogues meaningful and life-giving.
At NZCIS we integrate the two great articulate systems of our time, science and religion, those based on empirical research and those founded in Scripture, and these discussions have an impact on our understanding of climate change, AI, evolution, the status of human beings, the nature of the cosmos and so on. We have broad multi-disciplinary lectures and more focused seminars.
We welcome all who want to be inspired by the most interesting topics in the world today.
The world needs exploration across disciplines and world views. The Sciences and theology are the two great articulate systems of human thought. They need to be brought into dialogue with each other, and both must be brought into dialogue with MΔtauranga MΔori.
Faith Needs Science
Sciences shows us the depth and wonder of what is there. Science is helping us solve the deepest quandaries of our times, including climate change, and AI.
Science Needs Faith
Faith helps us to see the larger context, it provides meaning and motivation for life, and faith reflects deeply on the moral conundrums science delivers. Science with faith gives us awe. Science without faith can lead to nihilism.
Upcoming Events
Artificial Intelligence: What is it, where is it taking us, and how does the church respond?
The Community of St. Julian | Rev. Hilary Willett
Theology and Science Course
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Explore the blog
The Convo | The Fall in Science and Theology Podcast
Tribute for Rod Oram: A Climate Warrior, a Public Intellectual, a Compassionate ActivistΒ
Living in the ‘Good’ World of Inherent Pain and Suffering
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