Introduction section

NZCIS celebrates the interface between the natural sciences and Christian theology.

It supports and promotes a holistic, evolutionary understanding of cosmic and biological history, in dialogue with and informed by Christian faith. Within those parameters we seek lively dialogue and wide-ranging investigation of the sciences and theology. We invite open dialogue and partnership with Mātauranga Maori and those of other faiths. And we seek to partner with all those working to heal the earth and to live more lightly on it.

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Our Values are grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and expressed in this unique setting.


We seek to enter into these discussions as faithful followers of Christ.

Scientific integrity

We value rigour in scientific research and openness to the findings of science about God’s creation.

Respecting the Treaty

We are committed to live as tangata Tiriti in Aotearoa and we are open to the journey this will take us on.


Individual members hold a variety of positions. We promote vigorous discussion between members characterised by grace, humility and love as we seek the truth, and an expanding vision of the gospel and the cosmos.


We remain open to the new paths exploration will take us on, committed to the truth but allowing for diverse exploratory pathways.


Leading Scientists and Theologians

Evolution may simply be a fact…yet it is in need of continuous interpretation. …In my opinion the sure sign of the right road is a limitless prospect of deeper knowledge: what was once baffling is now clear, what seemed absurdly important is now simply childish, yet still the journey is unfinished

Simon Conway Morris, Life's Solution, Cambridge, 2003

I am one of a handful of ecotheologians who believe that in order to do ecotheology in a responsible way, we are beholden to try and take at least some account of what is the most common consensus in the scientific community on relevant topics, even if that is going to change over time.

Celia Deane-Drummond, A Primer in Ecotheology

A mature faith is willing to make adjustments, and theology must change and grow as new discoveries reshape our understanding of nature. History shows that theologies have often, if not always, undergone wholesome transformation in the wake of new scientific understanding.

John Haught, Science and Faith: A New Introduction

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