In God We Trust? Coming to terms with the shift to the so-called “anthropocene”.Occasional Seminar or Lecture, Past Event, Climate ChangeHow does one even begin to make sense of this given the shift from the Holocene to the “Anthropocene”?
“That’s Life!” Conversations in Science and TheologyOccasional Seminar or Lecture, Past Event, Anthropology, Biology, Ethics, Evolution“That’s Life!” Conversations in Science and Theology
God and a World of Natural Evil: Theology and Science in Hard ConversationOccasional Seminar or Lecture, Past Event, VideoBoyle Lecture on Science and Religion, 2022
Freedom ConferenceConference, Occasional Seminar or Lecture, Past Event, FreedomThe NZCIS Conference on Freedom was postponed twice due to Covid restrictions, and happened on 11-12 February 2022. Topic: ‘Freedom in Theology, Science and Culture‘.
Education, Science and Faith Seminar: March 2021Occasional Seminar or Lecture, EducationA summary, as well as other notes and slides from the seminar are available to view below: Teaching Science ...
Boyle Lecture 2021: Prof. Tom McLeishOccasional Seminar or Lecture, Past Event, Video, ContemplationTopic: “The Rediscovery of Contemplation Through Science”
Are Animals Persons: Implications for Domestication and FarmingOccasional Seminar or Lecture, Video, AnimalsWebinar/Conversation co-hosted by NZCIS and The Center for Theology and Public Issues. Are animals persons? with Prof. Celia Deane-Drummond, Oxford.
Where’s God in a Pandemic?Occasional Seminar or Lecture, Video, Pandemic, SufferingWebinar/Conversation hosted by St Barnabas, Fendalton. Where’s God in a Pandemic? with Dr. Nicola Hoggard Creegan.
Scientific Engagement with a Theology of Human FlourishingOccasional Seminar or Lecture, Video, Flourishing, Science and TheologyWebinar/Conversation hosted by NZCIS. Scientific Engagement with A Theology of Human Flourishing with Dr. Christa McKirland, Carey College.