New Zealand Christians in Science/Ngā Karaitiana Kimi Matū celebrates the interface between the natural sciences and Christian theology. It resources and supports the church, students and the wider community on issues of faith and science. NZCIS mediates between the worlds of the working scientist and that of the Church and faith.

NZCIS holds a full programme of lectures, webinars, seminars, and conferences.

These happen both nationally, online, and in various locations around the country.


We hold occasional lectures at Maclaurin Chapel, but also in other Centres around the country. Each year we do a series of lectures in August on broad cultural/theological/scientific themes, called the Winter Lectures.

View Auckland Winter Lectures
View Wellington Winter Lectures

Conferences and Seminars

Every few years we host a Conference, mostly in Auckland but also in Dunedin. Day seminars are held in Wellington and Christchurch.

View seminars and lectures

Zoom Conversations

Since Covid we have collaborated with ISCAST (the Australian organisation in Science and Theology) to host two series of Conversations a year. Several groups around the country use these short Conversations as a basis for discussion.

View ISCAST/NZCIS Conversations

Mentoring Program

In 2023 we are piloting a mentoring program. We are taking around 15 young theologians and scientists on a one-year guided reading project.

Blogs and other resources

We host a wide variety of short blogs on topics relevant to science and theology. Please let us know if you would like to write for us.

View all resources


NZCIS has partnered with Otago University to teach a course in Christian Theology and Science.

Churches and Schools

Rev’d Greg and Rev’d Emily Holmes are developing a popular Schools and Churches program for introducing Theology and Science themes into schools and congregational life

Our Story

NZCIS was founded with a grant from the Templeton World Charity in 2017, following on from a number of previous more local groups. The future of NZCIS, however, depends on you and your future participation. Let us know how you would like to contribute, and what kinds of events you would find helpful.


NZCIS celebrates the interface between the natural sciences and Christian theology.

It supports and promotes a holistic, evolutionary understanding of cosmic and biological history, in dialogue with and informed by Christian faith. Within those parameters we seek lively dialogue and wide-ranging investigation of the sciences and theology. We invite open dialogue and partnership with Mātauranga Maori and those of other faiths. And we seek to partner with all those working to heal the earth and to live more lightly on it.

NZCIS Hero Icon Image

In both the academy and the Churches science and theology are discussed appreciatively and respectfully. Science and faith are discussed in numerous venues and young scientists and theological students seek out these conversations at least in part in dialogue with Mātauranga Māori.

Our Values are grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and expressed in this unique setting.


We seek to enter into these discussions as faithful followers of Christ.

Scientific integrity

We value rigour in scientific research and openness to the findings of science about God’s creation.

Respecting the Treaty

We are committed to live as tangata Tiriti in Aotearoa and we are open to the journey this will take us on.


Individual members hold a variety of positions. We promote vigorous discussion between members characterised by grace, humility and love as we seek the truth, and an expanding vision of the gospel and the cosmos.


We remain open to the new paths exploration will take us on, committed to the truth but allowing for diverse exploratory pathways.

NZCIS Hero Icon Image


We will support Christians who work in the fields of science, defined here as biological sciences, physics and cosmology, psychology, medicine, engineering, technology and mathematics.

Encourage discussion on matters of faith and science within universities, theological colleges and churches by:

  • Educating and mentoring students and professionals in issues of intersection between the Christian faith and science
  • Working actively with university and seminary students, to promote integrative reflection and study

Engage the public on issues of theology and its interplay with science by:

  • Promoting dialogue between Christians and scientists within New Zealand society
  • Promoting the integration of science and faith to the Christian churches of New Zealand

Our Sponsors

Templeton World Charity logo

Templeton World Charity

A Philanthropic organization that supports scientific and theological research on a range of topics and encourages informed dialogue among scientists, philosophers, and theologians.

Wilberforce Foundation logo

Wilberforce Foundation

A New Zealand foundation established to support faith-based organizations working towards making a positive impact on local communities.

Maclaurin Chapel logo

Maclaurin Chapel

The Maclaurin-Goodfellow Board donated Maclaurin Chapel to the University of Auckland and oversees and funds the chaplaincy work at Maclaurin Chapel.

Our International Partners

NZCIS is partnered with similar organisations around the world on an informal basis.



The Australian Science and Theology Institute.

Biologos logo


The American Institute for Science and Theology engagement founded by Francis Collins.


Christians in Science (UK)

A CIS in the UK.

The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

A United Kingdom society focusing on academic discussions around faith and science.

The American Scientific Affiliation logo

The American Scientific Affiliation

An US-based, international network for Christians in the sciences.

European Society for the Study of Science and Theology logo


The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology.

Our New Zealand Partners

InterChurch Bioethics Council logo

The InterChurch Bioethics Council

An Ethics Advisory team representing Methodist, Anglican and Presbyterian churches.


A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand

ARANZ is a Christian Environmental Organisation.


Science Engaged Theological Women

A network of women engaged in theology and science.

University of Otago logo

Otago University Theology Department

NZCIS has partnered with Otago to teach a Summer School course in Science and Theology.

St Johns Willis Street

St John's Willis Street

A Presbyterian Church in the Centre of Wellington.

Leading Scientists and Theologians

Evolution may simply be a fact…yet it is in need of continuous interpretation. …In my opinion the sure sign of the right road is a limitless prospect of deeper knowledge: what was once baffling is now clear, what seemed absurdly important is now simply childish, yet still the journey is unfinished

Simon Conway Morris, Life's Solution, Cambridge, 2003

I am one of a handful of ecotheologians who believe that in order to do ecotheology in a responsible way, we are beholden to try and take at least some account of what is the most common consensus in the scientific community on relevant topics, even if that is going to change over time.

Celia Deane-Drummond, A Primer in Ecotheology

A mature faith is willing to make adjustments, and theology must change and grow as new discoveries reshape our understanding of nature. History shows that theologies have often, if not always, undergone wholesome transformation in the wake of new scientific understanding.

John Haught, Science and Faith: A New Introduction

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