The Convo | The Fall in Science and Theology Podcast

Can we imagine a doctrine of the fall that is true of evolutionary science and leaves room for hope?

There is probably no more persistent trope in Christian theology than the doctrine of the fall, nor one that clashes on its surface most with the science of evolutionary theory. The fall has received an enormous amount of theological attention in recent years. Anthropologists Graeber and Wengrow (in The Dawn of Everything) point to the theological story of the fall as one of the founding myths of our origins which binds us into a pessimistic narrative of our ability as humans to organize ourselvescollectively. This conference will examine the notion that there is something wrong with us, and also imagine how we can reframe the doctrine, and re-imagine the solutions that might allow for individual and corporate thriving. Can we imagine a doctrine of the fall that is true of evolutionary science and leaves room for hope?

Episode 1 | Dr. Bethany Sollereder
Episode 2 | Dr. Kathleen Rushton RSM
Episode 3 | Dr. Martin Samson
Episode 4 | Dr. Doru Costache
Episode 5 | Rev. Dr. Anne Van Gend
Episode 6 | Rev. John Owens
Episode 7 | Dr. Christa McKirland
Episode 8 | Rev. John Howell
Episode 9 | Rev. Dr. Hugh Bowron
Episode 10 | Prof. Carolyn King
Episode 11| Rev. Ripeka Templeton Bijl
Episode 12 | Dr. Jonathan Robinson

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