Silvia Purdie

Why Am I So Stressed? Understand your stress response system

Why Am I So Stressed? Understand your stress response system

Humans share with other animals a set of instant responses which protect us from threats. Our brains trigger our bodies to flight, fight or freeze before we have time to think. But when we get stuck in stressful situations these reactions can get unpleasant and unhelpful. In this blog, Silvia Purdie maps out the stress response system, and asks ‘What is anxiety?’
5 Faith Strategies for Non-Anxious Living

5 Faith Strategies for Non-Anxious Living

Anxiety feels dreadful, and it can make us less intelligent and capable of solving problems. There’s plenty to be stressed about in 2022, but what is the alternative to chronic anxiety? Minister and counsellor Silvia Purdie identifies five strategies from the Christian faith tradition which are ‘tried and true’ – effective ways to reduce anxiety. 
Christ, Cows and Kereru

Christ, Cows and Kereru

A biblical overview about animals, for the Christian Fellowship at Lincoln University.
Is Anyone in Charge Here?

Is Anyone in Charge Here?

Selwyn Yeoman talks about his new book on 'Dominion', subtitled "A Christological Evaluation of the Idea of Human Dominion over Creation"
Sources of Truth: a reflection on the Magi

Sources of Truth: a reflection on the Magi

How did the Wise Men find the baby Jesus? What sources of truth did they use, and how might this inform our own discipleship?
Fatigue and recovery from a medical view

Fatigue and recovery from a medical view

A conversation with Professor Stephen Chambers.
A desert theme for Christmas

A desert theme for Christmas

What does the Christmas story have to do with the climate crisis? The biblical character of John the Baptiser holds the key, and the insights of desert spirituality.
God of the Jab: Jesus and Vaccination

God of the Jab: Jesus and Vaccination

With reaction growing among the ‘un-jabbed’, especially from some smaller or conservative Christian groups and individuals, how might we articulate a faith perspective on immunization? Where might we find Jesus in our current situation?

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