Dr Christa McKirland

Dr. Christa McKirland



If A Traditional Account of Original Sin is Negotiable, What Isn’t? 
An Exploration in Non-Negotiables

While an Augustinian understanding of original sin has become increasingly hard to defend, especially in light of evolutionary accounts of human development, the question of a primal sin and the nature of its transmission has received renewed investigation in both theology and cognitive science of religion. Thus, this exploratory paper will propose non-negotiable guardrails within which a doctrine of sin might still meaningfully exist while still holding open a diversity of views regarding sin’s historical origin and its mode of transmission. 


Christa is a lecturer in systematic theology at Carey Baptist College, and teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students about the grandeur of the gospel by thinking with theologians from the Christian tradition and what that means for us today. In addition to teaching, she also researches, writes, and speaks on theological doctrines for the sake of the academy and church.

Christa has always had a passion for teaching, ever since being little, and bringing her love for teaching into Carey’s various learning platforms has been a natural fit. Her pursuit and completion of degrees in philosophy, bible exposition, and systematic theology has helped equip Christa to be an engaging and informative teacher. Further, as someone who did not see women leading or teaching in churches or Christian schools, she also wanted to do something about this. That something was founding Logia International, an organisation whose express aim is to encourage women to pursue postgraduate divinity education for the sake of the academy and church. Consequently, Christa is thrilled to support women in this academic journey, as well as helping men to know how to come alongside their sisters in this journey.