This paper proposes that God made an offer to homo sapiens at the stage when it had crossed the developmental threshold into symbolic logic, language and a dawning ethical, spiritual capacity. The offer to enter Eden and for the first humans to take the world to its destiny was rejected with calamitous consequences. The paper spells out what those consequences were together with the following two offers that God made to continue and develop his species saving initiatives.
Hugh Bowron is a retired Anglican priest living in Christchurch. He was a parish priest for 42 years serving mostly in the Christchurch diocese but also in the Wellington diocese and latterly in the Dunedin diocese. His MTh thesis was entitled The Surprise Ending: An Aspect of the Eschatology and Pneumatology of Robert Jenson. His recent PhD thesis was St Peter’s Caversham 1864-2000, a church history aspect of the Otago History department’s Caversham project.